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I'm a third year Biotechnology major, minor in both Environmental Science and Japanese language

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week2 Monday and Tuesday, unhappy lab days :(


There was a changing of plan, i was going to do some phenol analysis, but the phenol analysis procedure or machine setting was not ready for analysis yet. So the phenol analysis for water sample collected from 10 Creek sites around Conesus lake will be done next week hopefully. I did the cell count on all 6 flasks of Selenastrum culture. The number of cells per ml in each flasks were increasing day by day. I also did some minor lab work.


Today was a disastrous day, i couldn't get into the plant culture room because the lock on the door was broken. Frustrated with the broken door, i moved on to the second item in my to do list - "making soil stock solution for my microcystis culture". Unfortunately i was unable to perform the task because the procedure required me to perform a steaming technique with pasteurization that i'm not familiar with. I tried to consult some of the lab technician and lab assistant but they also didn't know how.
Tomorrow, i will try to seek advice from others regarding this matter. The only accomplishment of the day was, i managed to create the second protocol for my pilot experiment 2. I send the file to my mentor who is currently out of town and gotten feedback from her. Earlier in the morning, i made the Vitamin b12 stock culture media and did some milipore filtration to sterile the media. Then later in the evening, i went to the wet lab (where all the living invertebrates and aquatic plant is stored) to sort out the duckweed sample from other unknown aquatic plant and set up two bucket of duckweed with air bubbler.

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