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I'm a third year Biotechnology major, minor in both Environmental Science and Japanese language

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday - Selenastrum culture monitoring

Microorganism growth in culture flask can be contaminated with other species or microorganism that are capable of growing in the same growth media. Thus, in order to maintain the quality of my experiment outcome, I did cell count (counting the amount of cells present in each ml of culture media/ in each flask) and looked thoroughly over the culture in each flask for any possible contamination under the microscope. Some alien species seem to appear in 2-3 flasks. These flasks will be check again tomorrow and will be discarded if the contamination appear to be bacteria or other pathogens.

Later in the evening I finished writing my next pilot experiment protocol which is a protocol designed to study the effect of tannic acid towards duckweed. This pilot experiment will be set up by the end of this week.

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