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I'm a third year Biotechnology major, minor in both Environmental Science and Japanese language

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Updates June 23-27

As I mentioned in my presentation weeks ago, i'm using 4 different algae species for studying Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) effects on aquatic plants. Last 3 weeks, i ran pilot experiments on 2 species (duckweed and Selenastrum). On June 24 and June 25, phenol/tannic acid analysis was done on all the water samples collected from my pilot experiments (duckweed and Selenastrum). It was a very long process, it took me two days to ran 51 samples. It was worth it because the results outcomes were interesting. Surprisingly, Tannic Acid have greater effects on aquatic plant than mono phenol which was suppose to be more hazardous.

I also ran another pilot experiment on duckweed using phenol from June 23 to June 28. These water samples has not been analyzed.

This week i'm looking forward to work on my two other species which are Microcystis aeruginosa and Cladophora.

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