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I'm a third year Biotechnology major, minor in both Environmental Science and Japanese language

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Overview of the research

Title : Climate-change enhanced dissolved organic carbon and phenols in natural water and drinking water: sources, effects, and solutions.

Mentor:Dr Christy Tyler & Dr. Todd Pagano

Student: Siti Aishah Abdul Rahman (Aishah)

Collaboration of: College of Science (Aquatic Ecology lab) and NTID department

Figure 1: Sources that cause the increase of Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the effects of DOC on the environment and human health.

The goal of our interdisciplinary study are to analyze (1) source, (2) effects, and (3) possible solutions to the problem of increasing DOC concentration. Our research team consists of student researchers from NTID and the College of Science under the direction of Drs Pagano and Tyler. My summer project will focus on goals (2) and (3) in relation to aquatic plants. Specifically, i will scrutinize whether aquatic plants are inhibited by or take up and neutralize hazardous DOC compounds such as phenol. This important study will demonstrate whether ecosystems will be harmed by or by way of the plants can create resistance toward hazardous DOC compounds. This resistance ability could make these plants a possible pre-treatment component for drinking water treatment systems.

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