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I'm a third year Biotechnology major, minor in both Environmental Science and Japanese language

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wetland sampling

Wetland is an area where the land is wet at certain period of the year and dry at another. It is also being characterized with the vegetation around the land. Here at RIT, there are several wetlands surrounding the campus, these include both natural and constructed wetlands. As a collaboration project between both the imaging science and environmental science, the Imaging Science teams and the Environmental Science teams did a SpecTIR wetland survey at 55 sites across 2 natural and 2 constructed wetland around RIT. This survey started at 7.30 am this morning and ended at exactly 7.30pm. The wetland survey field work was finished at 4.45pm but then we continued with some sorting out and in lab spectral measurement.
It was an amazing experience and the hard work was worth it.

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